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Agenda Item

9-a 20-0878 2800 Jackson Road Hotels Rezoning and Site Plan for City Council Approval - A proposal to rezone this 4.48-acre vacant parcel from R5 (Motel-Hotel) to C3 (Fringe Commercial) zoning classification and construct two new hotels with 132,737 square feet of new floor area. One hotel proposes 128 rooms, the other, 107 rooms. A total of 237 parking spaces, storm water improvements, water main construction, and sanitary main construction are proposed as part of the project. Staff Recommendation: Approval

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    Ken Garber over 4 years ago

    The four EV charging stations, to serve 235 hotel rooms (and 237 overall parking spaces) is a grossly inadequate number. The Ann Arbor energy commission, recognizing the rapid adoption of EVs, and the ease of overnight charging for hotel guests, drafted an EV readiness ordinance that I think specifies that 25% of future hotel parking spaces be "EV installed." This would translate to 59 charging stations for this combined two-hotel site. The developer here will come to regret only including a measly four EV charging stations, and will lose a lot of customers, once they learn that there's nowhere to charge their vehicles (unless they are one of the lucky four).