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Agenda Item

INT-3 20-0820 Independent Community Police Oversight Commission

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    Ruth Spalding over 4 years ago

    When I open the above link to registration text, it is blank. Community oversight of existing police is the *bare minimum*. If what is proposed is that the community has a say when police a disciplined this does *nothing* to address the problem that police as a power structure are the problem.
    I know black folk, indigenous folk, and folk of color who have been harassed by the police. Stopped for no reason and psychologically terrorized with the threat of arrest even though they have committed no crime. They were simply deemed "suspicious." We do not need people who always have a gun on their hip handing out traffic tickets or worse, threatening people (even while that gun is holstered). Why do my previous tax dollars pay for this "service?"
    I support community oversight while we still have a police department. But ultimately, we do not need active armed patrols in our streets. There is no evidence this has ever reduced crime rates or kept our people safe. Defund the police.

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    Ryan Rosario over 4 years ago

    I support the creation of a citizen-led police oversight commission. The commission should be in line with citizen-led proposal previously set forth. Commission members should be chosen by the community and not the mayor, going beyond the antidemocratic measures promoted by Mayor Taylor. The commission should have access to all relevant documentation for an investigation from city institutions. The commission should be led by those most influenced by racist policing, including people of color and people who were formerly incarcerated. Not supporting these measures demonstrates that the city trusts its police more than its own citizens.

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    Teresa OMeara over 4 years ago

    I support community oversight to increase police accountability. This commission needs to have access and power to enforce accountability.