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Agenda Item

7 AUDIENCE/PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Persons may speak for three minutes about an item that is NOT listed as a public hearing on this agenda. Please state your name and address for the record.)

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    Bee Lange over 4 years ago

    Regarding Liberty Townhomes site plan up for city council review: This proposal is 52 units each w/ 2 car garage. Please consider the adverse effect of yet another development on traffic on the west side of AA. We need more housing. But we also need more car and bike lanes. AA does not have the infrastructure to accommodate our increasing population. Rush hour traffic at Liberty/Maple and the entire Maple Rd corridor from Miller to Scio Church is bad& getting worse, diminishing our quality of life. Cars W. bound on Liberty wait multiple light cycles to pass that intersection, idling and polluting. AATA bus stop just west of the intersection blocks & delays the single lane road. By the time motorists get through the intersection, they're so tired of waiting that they speed up quickly to get to their low-tax, large Scio Twp homes, making it hard for existing residents on Liberty to even pull out of their driveways during rush hour. The speed limit will need to be reduced in this area.