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Agenda Item

DS-1 20-0636 Resolution Adopting the Living A2Zero Ann Arbor Carbon Neutrality Plan

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    Akash Sivah almost 5 years ago

    Please support this resolution since we all know for sure that not acting now will have a 'much' greater impact in the future both in terms of life and economy. This would also make Ann Arbor a role model for cities around the World as a leading city in fighting Climate Change.

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    Ken Garber almost 5 years ago

    Carl Jung wrote, "Only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life." Having lived unconsciously and thoughtlessly through 30 years of accelerating climate catastrophe, only dimly aware that time was running out, I now accept the death of the world as we've known it. Now only the degree of degradation and suffering is uncertain.This is not psychodrama, it's physics--CO2 in the atmosphere is precisely measured, its global heating effects are known, and the molecule persists for centuries. What gives meaning to what's left of my life is to try to soften the blow a bit. I don't pretend that carbon neutrality for Ann Arbor by 2030 will have a broader impact, or that this plan is even going to get us there in a society (and city) still utterly dependent on fossil fuels and resistant to real change. But it's responsibly drafted, frank about the measures necessary, and honest about their costs. It can make a difference, which is all we can hope for at this very late date.