I urge Council to adopt this excellent Resolution DC-7. After 9-11, trillions were spent to respond to the tragedy of 3K lost lives; yet every year 30K Americans die from inadequate insurance. That's 600K deaths since 9-11. Leaders of both parties that spared no expense re: 9-11 say we can't afford to address the annual tragedy of 30K deaths. Fact is we can't afford the inefficient and morally bankrupt system the Unaffordable Care Act seeks to preserve by "reform" & government subsidy. "Competition" has NOT lowered cost. Medicare for All is EFFICIENT, saving huge administrative costs to government, doctors & business of our current incoherent payment system. Moreover, Medicare for All is HUMANE, in keeping with America's moral vision of the value of every individual's life and health. Americans realize this. I hope passing this resolution will awaken our somnambulant leadership (e.g. Senator Peters & ex V.P. Biden). I will oppose all who oppose Medicare for All. Sincerely, John Moran
I do support Medicare for All in principle, I just find this to be a "feel good", "virtue signalling" resolution that will not change our circumstances here in Ann Arbor.
Healthcare is a human right. The US government's failure to acknowledge this has resulted in avoidable misery in the forms of deaths, illnesses, and bankruptcy from medical bills. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified and will continue to amplify this issue. However, we can have a better system than our current, cruel non-system. A system where healthcare is not tied to an employer or determined by how much money one has. Ann Arbor City Council must show support for its citizens by supporting Medicare for All.
I see our city and small businesses, and now, the newly unemployed, struggling with healthcare costs. Our country needs single player healthcare to guarantee access and control costs. Every other advanced country, including the European nations and Israel, does this. COVID19 has exposed even more profoundly deeply flawed nature of employer-based healthcare coverage.
I urge Council to adopt this excellent Resolution DC-7. After 9-11, trillions were spent to respond to the tragedy of 3K lost lives; yet every year 30K Americans die from inadequate insurance. That's 600K deaths since 9-11. Leaders of both parties that spared no expense re: 9-11 say we can't afford to address the annual tragedy of 30K deaths. Fact is we can't afford the inefficient and morally bankrupt system the Unaffordable Care Act seeks to preserve by "reform" & government subsidy. "Competition" has NOT lowered cost. Medicare for All is EFFICIENT, saving huge administrative costs to government, doctors & business of our current incoherent payment system. Moreover, Medicare for All is HUMANE, in keeping with America's moral vision of the value of every individual's life and health. Americans realize this. I hope passing this resolution will awaken our somnambulant leadership (e.g. Senator Peters & ex V.P. Biden). I will oppose all who oppose Medicare for All. Sincerely, John Moran
I do support Medicare for All in principle, I just find this to be a "feel good", "virtue signalling" resolution that will not change our circumstances here in Ann Arbor.
Healthcare is a human right. The US government's failure to acknowledge this has resulted in avoidable misery in the forms of deaths, illnesses, and bankruptcy from medical bills. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified and will continue to amplify this issue. However, we can have a better system than our current, cruel non-system. A system where healthcare is not tied to an employer or determined by how much money one has. Ann Arbor City Council must show support for its citizens by supporting Medicare for All.
I see our city and small businesses, and now, the newly unemployed, struggling with healthcare costs. Our country needs single player healthcare to guarantee access and control costs. Every other advanced country, including the European nations and Israel, does this. COVID19 has exposed even more profoundly deeply flawed nature of employer-based healthcare coverage.