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Agenda Item

CA-8 20-0501 Resolution to Direct the City Administrator, Ann Arbor Housing Commission, and Planning Commission to Create Proposed Application Materials, Review and Recommend Development Entitlements to the City Council for 350 S. Fifth Avenue (former Y-Lot) to Support the Development of Affordable Housing in the City

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    Glenn Ziegler almost 5 years ago

    Don't be like Trump and ignore facts. In this age of rapid international virus spread the New York model of high-density residential development is not to be emulated. Ann Arbor residents recently fought the high-density/massive development forces to get a referendum on the ballot and rejected a 17 story development across the street. This proposal is worse, it lacks provision of parking, and it is an even more massive ugly cell block. Create something of a more human scale at this site. When creating affordable housing let's follow the Ann Arbor Model, scattered site public housing, thriving cooperatives, and Avalon's efforts like the Pauline Apts. Grass, trees, birds, open space and transit right out front.. Let's not recreate the Chicago model, remember Cabrini Green. Oops, bad idea, they didn't work and these high-rises were torn down. Let's keep what's left of Ann Arbor a college town and research oasis. Don't turn it into an overcrowded big city mess. Reject this proposal.