CA-7 20-0500 Resolution to Direct the City Administrator, Ann Arbor Housing Commission, and Planning Commission to Create Proposed Application Materials, Review and Recommend Development Entitlements to the City Council for 415 W. Washington to Support the Development of Affordable Housing in the City
Does this irregular "Development Entitlement" supplant rezoning and site plan review procedures which require public notice and hearings. Is there a new section in Chap.55 "entitlements"? I received written notices on a proposed 1000 sq. ft. change in retail use adjacent to 415 W. Washington, changes in playground at West Park, but nothing on this massive 415 project which the city has continues to spend on. I have spoken to many neighbors adjacent too, and near this project, none have received written notice. This item should be removed from the consent agenda and tabled until written notice is given to adjacent and nearby neighbors and proper face to face hearings are held. Neighbors who are aware of the proposals would support the lower density option provided, not the massive "preferred" option, " This floodplain/floodway site has long been suggested as a greenspace anchor for the Treeline/Allen Creek greenway, but "study" didn't provide this use option. Listen to Joe O'Neal
Does this irregular "Development Entitlement" supplant rezoning and site plan review procedures which require public notice and hearings. Is there a new section in Chap.55 "entitlements"? I received written notices on a proposed 1000 sq. ft. change in retail use adjacent to 415 W. Washington, changes in playground at West Park, but nothing on this massive 415 project which the city has continues to spend on. I have spoken to many neighbors adjacent too, and near this project, none have received written notice. This item should be removed from the consent agenda and tabled until written notice is given to adjacent and nearby neighbors and proper face to face hearings are held. Neighbors who are aware of the proposals would support the lower density option provided, not the massive "preferred" option, " This floodplain/floodway site has long been suggested as a greenspace anchor for the Treeline/Allen Creek greenway, but "study" didn't provide this use option. Listen to Joe O'Neal