Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: March 16, 2020 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

DC-3 20-0438 Resolution Directing the Planning Commission to Create a Transit Supported Development District

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    Richard Barron, Aging environmentalist almost 5 years ago

    Because the need for more affordable housing in this City is a clear imperative and is a mechanism to reduce commuter traffic, I strongly urge Council to support DC 3 tonight. Thank you.

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    Scott Trudeau almost 5 years ago

    Dear Mayor & Councilmembers,
    I am writing to support DC-3 to direct Planning Commission to create a transit-supported zoning district. The most consistent concern I heard when this was first brought to a public hearing at Planning Commission was that we need to respect our Master Planning process. I agree! Our existing plans contain, in multiple places, recommendations to zone for higher density housing & mixed use zoning along transit corridors. We can continue to implement the plans we have and respect the countless hours of community input & planning that have gone into them while we update our current plan, especially as this approach can help create desperately needed new housing while improving our overall quality of life in more corners of our city and help us reach our carbon neutrality goals but shortening commutes & trips for many.